Minnesota's Premier Outdoor Sculpture Gallery
Bemidji Sculpture Walk
New Options To Experience The Tour!
2025 Call for Art for the Bemidji Sculpture Walk
For our upcoming 26th year!
The Bemidji Sculpture Walk Board will select new submissions, based on their conceptual strength, originality, and workmanship. Each artist may submit two original works.
Selected artists will receive a $1000 honorarium.There is no cost for submission.
Deadline is February 1, 2025.
Submissions Preferred Method:
Please email your application directly to: admin@bemidjisculpture.com
with the subject line: BSW Call to Artists-2025.
The requirements for each sculpture submission are as follows:
Title your images according to this format: lastname-title_of_work.
For example: bunyan-my_large_axe.jpg
MAXIMUMfile size of each image is 5 MB
MAXIMUM of five JPG files or one PDF for each sculpture submission
(If you have any special needs regarding image submission, please contact bemidjisculpture@gmail.com)
Art Information
1. Short Description of Submitted Work, including Materials Used
2. Title of Work, Date of Work
3. Work Dimensions (length" x width" x height")
4. Sculpture Price (in dollars)/Insured Value (if different from price)
5. Installation Requirements - All sculptures must provide tabs or steel plate able to be welded or bolted to mounting plates.
Artist Information
First and Last Name, Phone Number, Address, City, State, ZIP code
Email address
Short Personal Artist Statement
The Terms- By submitting a work Applicants agree to these terms:
-Permit the sponsors of the artwork to install the work with or without the
artist's assistance.
-Sculptures delivered to BSW must match submission photos in form, finish and
colors or BSW has the right to refuse delivery.
-The artwork will remain on display from May 2025 through May 2026.
-That BSW/City of Bemidji may remove a damaged sculpture in the absence of
prompt and satisfactory repair by the artist in the interest of public safety.
-That sculptures are covered by the city's liability insurance, but are not insured against vandalism or theft. (It is suggested, but not required,that sculptors have individual insurance coverage for theft or damage.)
-To be responsible for the delivery and pickup of sculptures at the designated
times. Agrees that any works not picked up before 12/31/26 become the property of BSW.
-Attest that all work is of sound design, safe construction, free standing and
ready to be placed in an outdoor public space in Bemidji.
-Any works delivered to BSW requiring repair will have the repair costs deducted
from the honorarium.
-Selected work may only be sold in coordination with the BSW at a 25% commission during the one-year duration of the exhibitWe look forward to receiving your submissions.
The BemidjiSculpture Walk Board
Love for Public Art
Our talented artists live by their work, and most of the art you see every year is available for private sale. Your visits to the Walk, your support of our business sponsors, and your personal donations allow us to bring high quality work to the Walk and reward artists with honorariums and prizes. For more information on how you can help support the BSW, contact us at: admin@bemidjisculpture.com
New Sculptures Every Year
Along with Encore or Returning pieces that spend 2-3 years displayed on the Walk, most pieces in the Permanent Collection, murals around town, and special works like the Shaynowishkung (Chief Bemidji) statue in Library Park and Veterans Memorial in the Greenwood Cemetery may also be found on our Art Map. Sculptures are available to purchase! Extended purchase agreements are available.
Support the Walk
Help maintain and build Bemidji's Public Art program. Please join us in our mission to enhance the Bemidji downtown area, promote Bemidji as a regional cultural and art center, and build a greater sense of community through the display and discussion of art.
Follow us on Facebook Instagram and TripAdvisor.
In Our Third Decade
The Bemidji Sculpture Walk has promoted public art in Bemidji since 1999. Your interest and participation helps us create meaningful experiences in our downtown for residents and visitors alike. Thank you for visiting the walk and sharing your personal experiences with the public art community. We are pleased to have new sculptures displayed each year.
- Map to Outdoor Art in Bemidji
View, Navigate, Save, and Print our live Google Map here. We are currently updating the NEW sculptures with QR code labels. For more detailed information on the sculpture, the artist and purchase information, use your smartphone to take a picture of the QR code.
Some locations have been reserved for local artists to showcase their works so may be temporarily open as we find new pieces or swap them out.
Expand the Google Map Below to See Additional Details on Our Sculptures. 2024 Tour Map available below
16 new works were added for 2024. For 2024, we have also reserved several locations as "Local Artist Showcases" for local artists to display their work. These locations will be filled as we bring this program up and running throughout the latter part of 2024-25
Please download this Self-Guided Tour Map to learn about the new and existing sculptures, their locations, artists and values. The new sculptures have QR codes attached that provide info about the artist and their work. Most sculptures are available for purchase.
Click HERE to download a printable PDF of the Self-Guided Tour Map showing all of the locations: Be sure to set "Fit to Page" if you are going to print this map.
We would like to thank our $300+ Sponsors for this year. Thanks to them, we can keep this important part of Bemidji's Downtown going!
Showcasing art in downtown Bemidji since 1999
An annual outdoor sculpture gallery in the heart of Bemidji, Minnesota
Art Downtown
The Bemidji Sculpture Walk premiered in the spring of 1999. It was developed by a team of volunteers working with the Bemidji Community Arts Center (BCAC), now the Watermark Art Center. The original theme of the Sculpture Walk was "Minnesota: its people, its diverse culture, its legends, and its natural beauty". Project developers intended for all sculptures to be installed outdoors in the Bemidji downtown area - from 2nd St. South, by the old Union Station, up to 6th St. North at the Beltrami County Courthouse, and from the Chamber of Commerce building on the Lake Bemidji waterfront at 1st St. and Bemidji Avenue inward 2 blocks to Minnesota Ave. It has since expanded beyond these original boundaries, while continuing to focus on creating premiere locations downtown.
Our Mission
- Enhance the Bemidji area for its residents and for visitors
- Draw more foot traffic to the downtown
- Create a forum for the display of the work of local and regional artists
- Assist in the promotion of Bemidji as a regional cultural center
- Build a greater sense of community through display and discussion of the arts
- Enhance art education in the area,at all levels
Our Vision
- Lead the region in the procurement and display of public art
- Grow to become a successful and permanent non-profit organization
- Engender a greater solidarity among local arts organizations
- Secure a strong and lasting appreciation for all of the arts
Board Members
Dave Close
Melanie MendezMembers:
Cindy Burger
Tim Nelsen
- Enhance the Bemidji area for its residents and for visitors
Stay In Touch
Please sign up to be on our mailing list and receive annual call and other programming information. Don't worry, no third parties can access this private list.
Bemidji Sculpture Walk, PO Box 1444, Bemidji, MN 56619
Copyright © 2023 Bemidji Sculpture Walk, PO Box 1444, Bemidji, MN, 56619